Personal Finance Expenses

by IsaqueSoft



🎯 The Expenses app is designed to help people organize their finances by reminding them of all possible expenses and showing how much they actually spend monthly or annually. Here are some of the apps features:🔔 Notifications• Local notification so you dont forget to pay your bills.🌟 Monthly expense management• View all your purchases, debts, or any expenses in one place.• Manage your expenses. Add, edit, and delete.• Mark expenses that have already been paid.• Create recurring expenses.🧑‍💻 Graphs• Check your performance in interactive and easy-to-read graphs and get insights into your spending habits.🎨 Customization• Create your own category the way you want or that makes the most sense to you.✔️ Backup and restore• Export your data and import it on other devices to use the app as you like and wherever you want.🥰 Offline storage• Your data is completely offline and private on your device.Share monthly expenses in PDF.